Help make a difference
Painswick Rococo Garden is owned and operated by an indepedent charitable trust (reg no 1107844) with the sole aim of protecting and restoring the country’s only complete surviving garden of the rococo period. This unique and historical place is cared for by us for the benefit of the public, local community and future generations.
Your support enables our dedicated team of staff and volunteers to:
- Preserve the heritage of Painswick Rococo Garden for future generations
- Protect habitats for wildlife including bees, bats and butterflies
- Provide a place for visitors and volunteers to escape, explore and connect with nature
How to donate
To donate online, please click on the button below.
To donate via cheque, please make your cheque payable to Painswick Rococo Garden Trust and post it to Painswick Rococo Garden, Gloucester Road, Stroud GL6 6TH.
To donate over the phone, please ring us on 01452 813204.
If you’re not already a Friend of the Garden, you can also help by joining now. Download the form here and send it to us with your payment.
Thank you for donating to Painswick Rococo Garden. We are an independent registered charity, and every donation makes a real difference now and for the future.

Annual Review
Each year, we produce an annual review which captures what the Trust has achieved through the hard work of its friendly and dedicated team of staff and volunteers.
Our review of 2023 is now available to download here.
You can read our 2022 annual review by clicking here.
(Our review of 2024 will be available next winter, once the charity’s annual accounts have been finalised and filed).